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3rd Al Hikma International Conference on Natural and Applied Sciences


The HICNAS2024 organized by Al Hikma University college Iraq in collaboration with the University of Birmingham, UK, and Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv-Ukraine will be held at Al Hikma University college on 11-12 Feb. 2025, Baghdad, Iraq. We are delighted to play a pivotal role in organizing the 3rd International Conference on Natural and Applied Sciences. This conference stands out for its distinctive approach, fostering collaboration among three diverse universities. Our wholehearted support for this unique collaboration reflects our commitment to creating a platform that goes beyond traditional boundaries. Our sincere hope is that this conference, dedicated to the exploration of natural and applied sciences, will evolve into a dynamic hub, facilitating the sharing and exchange of research ideas. We believe that this collective effort, marking the 3rd installment of our International Conference, will contribute significantly to the advancement of knowledge and prove beneficial for our societies at large.

Important Dates

Abstract submission 1 October 2024
Notification of Abstract acceptance 20 October 2024
Full Paper Submission Started 21 October 2024
Full Paper Submission Deadline 1 Feb 2025
Notification of Acceptance/ Reject 5 Feb 2025
Camera Ready Submission Due 5 Feb 2025
Date of Conference 11-12 Feb 2025

Aim and Scope

The primary aim of this conference is to bring together distinguished academicians, scholars, and researchers not only from the specified universities but also from institutions globally, all within the realm of Natural and Applied Sciences. The overarching goal is to facilitate the exchange of expertise and innovative ideas while delving into the latest developments in the fields of applied science and advanced technologies. Moreover, the conference serves as a platform for interaction between academics and industry experts with participants from local and international backgrounds. The 3rd HICNAS 2025, as an internationally refereed conference, is dedicated to advancing both theory and practices in the natural and applied sciences. By fostering collaboration among scholars, researchers, and professionals in academia worldwide, the conference seeks to make meaningful contributions to these areas of study.

The 3rd HICNAS is aims to provide as a dynamic platform for the exchange of knowledge regarding the latest scientific and technological breakthroughs in the expansive domains of Natural and Applied Sciences. This conference aims to unite prominent academic scientists, researchers, industry professionals, and research scholars, fostering an environment where they can exchange ideas and enrich their collective understanding. HICNAS endeavors to be a nexus for sharing experiences and research outcomes across all facets of Natural and Applied Sciences. By bringing together leading minds, this event seeks to contribute to the ongoing advancement of knowledge and collaborative efforts within the realms of Natural Sciences and Applied Sciences

The scope of Natural and Applied Sciences is continually evolving with advancements in technology and a growing understanding of the natural world. Researchers and professionals in these fields work towards expanding our knowledge, solving practical problems, and contributing to the betterment of society. The scope of the 3rd HICNAS including:

  1. Physical Sciences: Physics, Chemistry, Astronomy
  2. Earth and Environmental Science
  3. Life Sciences and Sustainability
  4. Water Resources and Dams
  5. Ecology and Environmental Chemistry
  6. Climate change and renewable energy
  7. Natural and Health Sciences
  8. Agricultural Sciences and food safety
  9. Biology, Zoology, Botany, Genetics, Microbiology
  10. Applied Mathematics and advanced Engineering
  11. Applied Technologies and Public Health
  12. Nanotechnology


The 3rd HICNAS also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners, and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, concerns, practical challenges encountered, and solutions adopted in Natural and Applied Sciences. On behalf of the organizing committee, we cordially invite scientists, experts, and scholars from all over the world to participate in the HICNAS Conference and contribute your quality research works to our conference.


Accepted double blind peer reviewed manuscripts will be published in Scopus indexed journals.

Conference registration fee:

Scopus Magazine 500000 ID.

Others conference publications 400000 ID.

keynote Speakers

Scientific Committee

Contact us

If you have questions and inquiries about the conference, please feel free to contact the Organizing Committee via

Email : conference@hiuc.edu.iq

Phone : 07724591145

Local Cooperative Universities

International Cooperative Universities

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